Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Wining with friends

September 20, 2015

Oh goody!  We are going back into the little house that moves.  That means I get something else to play in!

My morning walk took me in the opposite direction from yesterday's walk.  Still lots of hills, but more open.  A little pond is on one side.  The pond itself is not visible, but the reeds and cattails are.

We bid our farewells to Bob and Jen and the kids, and started south on I5 to Salem.  We have some friends that are working in a winery near here for the fall harvest.  They do it every year.  Which winery was it...  they are not answering their phone...  Lemme call the winery and see if they know them.  First call, found it!  Ok, let's head to the Airlie Winery. 

We head west out of Salem on some little road through beautiful farmland.  Rolling hills in the foreground with pine laden hills in the background.  Some of the fields are freshly plowed.  There are orchards, and Christmas tree farms.  We go through a few tiny towns, the back into the farmland.  A turn here, then there.  We finally see grapevines.  There are quite a few wineries out here and we finally find Airlie, and our friends Jake and Lynn.

We met Jake and Lynn last year in Nova Scotia.  They stopped at our house right before we left on this trip and now we are here.  They gave us a behind the scenes tour of the winery.  The grapes are being pressed (no Lucy or Ethel in this press).  We saw the keg room, the storage bins, the vats, the hoses, etc.  Quite a science.  Then, of course, a sample was needed...

Most of the worker bees actually making the wine are volunteers that come here every year.  Lynn used to work with the owner way back when.  That is how they came to be here.  There is quite a comraderie among them.  We shared lunch then head out.

More small roads till we hit Corvalis.  Then we headed east to hwy 20.  We ended up in a little town right past the town of Sweet Home.  Beautiful campground on a river.  And we get to light a campfire!  We have been schlepping around firewood since we were in Stanley about 4 weeks ago.  Since then, there has been a ban on campfires because of all the wildfires.  Now we get to pyro it up!

Question:  Why is it when you are talking on the phone (bluetooth) in your car, that the GPS has to spew all sort of directions?  Then repeat them again and again...  It never happens unless the phone is in use.  Why is that? 

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