Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The apple of my eye

September 13, 2015

There it is!  Get it!  Oh...  I let it get away.   Wait!  There it is again!  Run!

It is 3:30 in the morning and Rudy is chasing something.  Please don't bring it in my bed!  When I got up, I checked for dead bodies and found none...  is it hidden?  Did he let it get away?  Do we go through this again tonite?

My morning walk took me on a path through the desert scrub next to the high rocky cliffs then back to another round of campsites.  There are nice views of the lake.  It is quite breezy, so no glass on the lake.  No boats either.  I guess it better be perfect conditions in order to jump in that cold water!  The trees in the campground are starting to turn color.  After a good breakfast, we readied Hannah for her day.

We continue north on hwy 155 to Grand Coulee, then turn west on 174.  The landscape is mounds of volcanic rock covered in golden grass.  Eventually the desert scrub takes over.  As we approach the town of Bridgeport, we see farms and orchards.  The famous Washington apples stretch as far as the eye can see.  More dams on the river and a beautiful valley surrounding the river.  You can see that the mountains have been scorched by wildfire but the orchards are fine, laden with fruit.  Many trees have wood supports so the limbs do not break beneath the weight of their fruit.  And there are a gazillion apples on the ground, probably soon to become apple cider.  A few cherry trees stand out, looks like Rainier cherries.  I didn't realize they would be bearing fruit this late in the year.  We follow the hwy 17 through Chelan, stopping for some apple cider.  We pass a couple of really nice campgrounds, but it is still a little too early to stop.  Once we turn up hwy 2, it is supposed to be scenic, we will find somewhere there...  The first place... forget that, right on the road.  Hmm, a KOA.  We normally don't stay in them because they are more kid oriented and a bit expensive, but we are tired and it is here so there we went.  Spouse asked for internet and no kids... we struck out on both.  They put us right next to a bunch of kids, even though there is an empty site a wee bit down.  And their internet is down and the IT guy is out for 2 weeks.  Why he didn't tell that when Spouse asked is beyond me but KOA will forever be my last resort.  But it is woodsy.

We took a short walk down to the river...  fishing was calling us.  We come back and get our poles.  It is quiet as we tie some hooks onto the line.  Why is it so quiet?   Where are all those kids?  Ooops, found them...  those neighbor kids are all swimming in our fishing hole!  Part of me hates them all!  But the bigger part of me appreciates that they are all having fun as a family, laughing, splashing and actually interacting with one another instead of being immersed in electronics.  I guess I have changed from my earlier self!

SPOUSE... will you PULLLEEEEAAASSSE  close the cabinet door?

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