Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Highlands and the lake

September 7, 2015

Sometimes, my humans let me sniff some of their food.  Some of it I like.  But they eat the strangest stuff!

Today we are golfing at The Highlands, just a few miles away.  It is cloudy again, and it started out as a 2 jacket day.  But on the first hole, I was able to shed one of the jackets.  On the 15th, I was able to shed the other.  We did get a few sprinkles of rain, but the sun broke through a little bit too.

The Highlands is a woodsy course that weaves within upscale neighborhoods all with Scottish street names;  Dundee, St. Andrews, Bonnie Brae, etc.  We played with Chris Cottone and Memo Rodriguez.  Memo is pretty good.  Chris can hit the ball, but he gets into trouble.  Then there is Spouse, the paragon of golf virtue, and me.

I have to give you a wee golf lesson.  For the most part, each club represents roughly 10 yards.  So let's say your 7 iron goes 100 yards, then your 8 iron is about 90 yards, then your 9 iron goes about 80 yards, and so forth.  Chris was quite bundled up due to the cold, so he knew he had to adjust his club selection accordingly.  If you can't get around and get the oomph you need, than you may go from using a 9 iron to using your 8 iron.  Chris earned legendary status today...  You can assume when using an extra club, that if you hit it right, you will overshoot the pin by 10 yards, right?  Chris not only overshot the pin, he overshot the green, he overshot the pine trees behind the green, he overshot the street behind the pine trees, and he dropped his ball on the second story of a house that was set back on its property by about 20 yards!  So, yes he can hit the broad side of a barn...  And he could hit the starter shack and even bathrooms!  I loved playing with him as it took the sting out of those 3 crappy iron shots that cost me 6 strokes!  And yes, I did have a few really good iron shots, so there is hope...

When we got back to Hannah, it was evident that it rained, and it started raining again.  I love that sound on Hannah, and was thankful we didn't get the rain on the golf course.

The evening was spent wining and dining on a cruise ship travelling around the lake.  The clouds have gone and the sun makes an appearance.  We pass the Coeur d'Alene golf course we will be playing on Thursday.  One of the greens on the course is an island green that is moveable;  so, one never knows where it will be.  I am sure seeing it from the other side will evoke the normal fears of hitting over the water.  This is quite an exclusive course, so it will be quite the treat to play it. 

The lake is heavily wooded.  There are marinas here and there.  And there are some beautiful lake homes scattered around.  Homes have their own docks and/or boathouses.  I feel money being sucked out of my pocket...

Meet Dodger, the clerk at the hotel where are friends are staying.

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