Sunday, September 6, 2015

September 6, 2015

Oh... my humans are getting ready early.  Guess I will be alone today.  I suppose I can catch up on my sleep...

Today we are playing Circling Raven Golf Course.  It is about 24 miles south in the town of Worley.  It is cold and cloudy (about 20 degrees colder than normal), but not supposed to rain today.  Hmmm...  It is a beautiful ride.  Pine tree mountains turn to pine tree hills.  There are farms and cattle ranches and it is quite open.

When we arrive, the first thing I notice is the wind.  It is not a big wind, but it is steady, probably 10 mph.  And it is COLD!  I put on an extra jacket.  That means I have a long sleeve shirt, a short sleeve shirt and two jackets.  It is pretty hard to swing with so much clothing, but it is what it is. 

The driving range is gorgeous.  Nice grass to hit from and unlimited balls.  I get my irons to work... will they work in the game?  Did I mention it was cold?

Normally, I walk the course with my push cart and clubs.  Here, they do not allow that, so I ride in the cart with Spouse.  Actually, my clubs are in the cart, but I still walk a whole lot of the course.  This means there are times when I don't have the right club, and Spouse is nowhere near to bring me the right club.  I hate when that happens.

The game moved slowly (to optimize the cold, no doubt), but the course is beautiful.  Occasionally, we got a few drops of rain.  Sometimes, I would get my club caught in the sleeve of my jacket.  That sure doesn't help one's score...  At the 15th hole, it started raining in earnest.  For the next two holes, it rained, and being the pros that we are, we played through it.  Several people that were playing behind us quit, but we soldiered on.  Spouse was not a happy camper!  We finally made it to the 19th hole and dry.  I scoff at a vodka tonic in favor of a warm keoke coffee.  Right move!

Our clothes are now hanging all over Hannah drying out!

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