Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Veggies, Mansions and good food

September 19, 2015

Where is my paternal human taking me?  It is far away, I don't like it.  Oh no!  We are with the little humans again!  I will let them pet me but I don't like this!  I wanna go home!  MRRROOOOOWWWW!  Oh, good!  He is taking me home!

My morning walk took me to the trail right near Bob's house.  It is very hilly.  The only level steps are when you are going from up to down, or vice versa.  It is pretty, lots of open space.  I come upon an orchard of hollyberry trees getting ready for a Christmas harvest.  Then comes the switchback - a la Nob Hill in San Francisco.  Tomorrow, I will go the other way.

Bob had a morning class and took their only car.  That means, if we wanted to go pick veggies on the local farm, we would have to unhitch Hannah from the truck.  Is she level enough?  If she slid forward or backward, it would be real ugly.  We blocked her tires every which way from Sunday, then held our breath as Spouse pulled away.  She held, and we were free.  Keep in mind that since we are parked on the street, we are not opening Hannah's sliders.  It gets a bit challenging moving around like that!  We could have stayed in the house, but we figured Rudy was more comfortable here so we stayed in little Hannah!

We piled into the truck and headed to the farm.  Ellie is a ball of energy running up to Mr. Ed the farmer.  Mr. Ed, Mr. Ed, hi Mr. Ed!  Hayden is a little more reserved.  We picked what we needed, the kids played and fought like kids do. 

In the afternoon, with Bob back, we headed to Pittock Mansion.  The mansion was once grand, fell into disrepair, and the good people of Portland rescued and restored it.  It was too late to go in the mansion, but the grounds are beautiful.  We sit atop Portland with Mt. Hood in the background.  Roses, zinnias, impatiens and all sorts of other flowers blast out colors.  There are hiking trails through the woods.  Jennifer and I headed down.  The guys and Ellie were slow to follow.  Soon they were telling us they went far enough, it is too much downhill and they knew they would have to do the uphill.  Whiners!  WE then hiked back up.

Thai food for dinner!  MMMMMM....

Then came the moment of truth... We have to hook Hannah up again.  With our landing leg mechanism not being what it should, we can barely lift Hannah enough to hook up.  Sometimes, she gets pushed back a little when we hook up.  If that happens on this hill, Hannah is going for a ride without a driver!  Bob and Jen will get to know their neighbors in a way they never anticipated!  But Spouse rose to the occasion and hooked her up 'without a hitch', so to speak!  Now, we are ready to head out tomorrow morning.

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