Sunday, September 6, 2015

Life is a beach

September 5, 2015

My humans offered to let me out this morning.  It was wet.  I went to my chair and took a nap.

What's that noise?  Could it be?  YES!  It is rain!  It really does exist!  Hope it is gone by tomorrow as we will be on the links.  Since it was wet, I kept my morning walk in the RV park.  Not much of an adventure, but it is exercise nonetheless.  There is a little path to the lake, past some apple trees.  All through Idaho, we see homes with fruit trees, mainly apples and pears.  Even in the remote places, there are fruit trees.  Usually they have beaver guards (wrapped with wire of some kind or another).

We ready Hannah for her 300 foot move to her beach location.  Uh oh...  once again, the legs will not extend and retract.  The pin Spouse fashioned fell out.  We were actually expecting it to happen sooner (and were really happy it didn't happen when Spouse pulled away and Hannah fell on the truck as we would still be there!).   We manually manipulate her (this tweaked my back just in time for golf) and we were able to get her moved.  Spouse was able to disconnect and he is thinking of calling a mobile repair service for our off day from golfing.

Rudy is not impressed with his new surroundings.  Too many people and dogs for him.  Or maybe it is the rain.  We shall see.  He finally wanted to explore late in the day.  He's baaaccck.

After some errands and some relaxing, we went to a get together at the hotel where all of the golfers are staying.  What a group, 44 people!  Good turnout!  C U all on the links!

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