Saturday, September 19, 2015

Visiting Bob, Jen, Hayden and Ellie

September 18, 2015

Who are these little humans?  I'm not sure I like them.  I will begrudgingly let them pet me, but I am ready to run.

My morning walk started down the street and the next thing I know, I am in farm country.  Beautiful rolling hills with crops, horses and cattle are in the foreground, with mountains in the background.  When the shoulder got too small to walk safely, I turned around and walked other streets, stumbling on a Costco!  Oh Spouse... no sales tax... off he went.

We decided to head back to Bob and Jen's and scout out a place for Hannah.  At worst, we could always stay in a Wal-Mart.  We looked left, we looked right.  Then we looked up the hill.  That looked fairly level.  And wouldn't you know, the truck and Hannah fit perfectly between the driveways.  We found a home!  Let the visit begin!

Bob is my sister Stephanie's son.  Jennifer is his wife.  Hayden is the 7 year old son, and Ellie is the almost 4 year old girl.  Talk talk talk talk talk.  Let's go get Hayden from school.  Talk talk talk talk talk.  Oh, eat.  I made cookies with my two little assistants.  Talk talk talk talk talk, eat.  Better go let Rudy have some walk time.  He isn't real keen on the kids.

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