Thursday, September 10, 2015

A wasted day

September 8, 2015

Hmm, my humans are sleeping in.  I guess I better join them.

Today is a day at leisure.  We have a call in to the RV repair to get Hannah's landing legs fixed.  The broad answer is 'this afternoon'.  Well, that leaves it wide open.    Guess we better not get too far away.  Given that,  we decided to do some housework.  Laundry, cleaning and stuff nobody likes to do but needs to get done.

Our friends Kurt and Karl come over for a visit, and to watch the US Open tennis.  Kurt, who is not a fan of cats, sits in Rudy's chair.  Rudy curled up on his lap... how can he hate cats now?

The repairman makes his diagnosis, and will be back tomorrow.

Another happy hour... my diet has been disgusting...

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