Saturday, September 19, 2015

Visiting more peeps

September 16, 2015


Today is dedicated to more visiting.  The niece of my friend Vicky is living up here so we decided to surprise her with a visit.  Amy works at the Barnes and Noble in Silverdale, which is just a few miles from where we are having dinner with my friend Mary.  So, Spouse and I go in looking for Amy.

Amy saw Spouse and had to do a double take.  Like, is that Doug?  Here?  Then she saw me and realized that it was us.  After the shock wore off, we did some chit chat, but she was working so she did not have much time.  We gave her our hugs and figured we might stop by later after dinner at Mary's.

Mary and I worked together in prehistoric times, you know; before the earth cooled.  She and her husband Mike live in Bremerton.  Mike is a fabulous cook and dinner was delicious.  4 hours flew by but it was fun catching up.

Then back to Amy's for a visit with the spouse and kids.  Amy was always an animal person.  Once we had found a bunny in the park, so we took it and gave it to Amy.  Before long, there were bunnies all over the neighborhood. In a somewhat cruel twist of fate, Amy's son Donovan is highly allergic to animals.  Amy being Amy, she knows how to pick critters that they can have without causing stress, so there are fish, turtles and a chinchilla.

For a spontaneous thing, it sure was nice.  I cannot believe how much Amy looks like her mother (who died in a tragic accident about 16 years ago).  And Amy's daughter Kaida is a mini-Amy.  And Kaida is just as precocious as Amy was at that age.  Lots of cuteness.

On the way home, Spouse's hunt for fuel took over.  If he would have waited just another mile, he could have save 10 cents per gallon.  Oh the pain...

And about those roundabouts... they are traffic nightmares.  Whoever dreamed them up needs to be slathered in honey and thrown in an ant hole!

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