Tuesday, September 15, 2015

From one lake to another

September 12, 2015

I see my humans putting things away.  I bet that means I will be riding in the smaller house that moves.  I guess I will catch up on my sleep.

Today is getaway day.  Our 'business' is done.  Coeur d'Alene is a beautiful town, but busy.  From what we hear, home prices are way out of hand and it is expensive for the commonfolk to live here.  As a visitor, there is lots of eye candy.  The lake is beautiful.  There is all sorts of recreation: golf, hiking, and water sports.  But, after 8 days, we ready Hannah for moving on.

We head west to Spokane.  Supposedly, there is a killer botanical garden, Manito.  We punch it into the GPS and off we go.  It is only 35 miles down the road.  It is amazing how when we cross the border into Washington, the fir lined mountains turn into hills with some fir trees.  When we get off I90, the streets are narrow.  We can negotiate them, but it is not comfortable towing Hannah.  We find a place to park on a side street and decide to use the bikes to pedal around the park.  It is beautiful; there is a rose garden, Japanese garden, dahlia garden, etc.  But, I must admit... I have been ruined by the Huntington gardens.  It still is a nice visit and fun bike ride.  But now we get to negotiate the streets again.  We were going to head to the Riverwalk, but there was no way we could make some of the turns.  Between that and beggars on the corners, we blew that town and headed west on hwy 2.

We really did not have a preconceived notion of which route we would be taking, but we wanted off the main highway.  The landscape is rolling hills for as far as the eye can see.  Farms with spent hay - brown grass.  Occasionally, there is a freshly plowed field with the rows curving with the contours of the hills.  We decided to take the scenic route from Coulee City to the Coulee dam.  There are a series of dams here making lakes.  We turn north on hwy 155.

What a stark change of scenery.  It feels like we are in the southwest.  High mesas and rugged buttes tower over the Banks Lake.  It is calm and glassy - a water skiier's dream!  And there are no boats!  How can this be?  As we drive on, we finally see a couple of boats; fishermen.  The valley floor is an odd combination of desert scrub and riparian reeds.  The lake is a result of dams on the Spokane River.   We are travelling at 60 MPH, and we are parallel to a boat that is pulling away from us.  That is FAST on the water!

We see a sign for a state campground (Steamboat Rock) so we decided to check it out.  We were not planning on stopping so soon, but when we saw the 3 sites that were available (boating haven on a warm saturday night) we decided to stop.  There was someone in our site, and they asked us if they could leave some of their stuff on the side for a while so they could do one more ski.  I said sure, and they invited me to ski with them.  Duh... Do I want to ski...  No flies on me!  Three seconds later, I was in my bathing suit on the beach at their boat.  Sorry Spouse, I will help you set up when I get back.

They live only 2 hours away so they come here often.  The originally had our space for tonite, but had to leave so we were lucky to get it.  They reserved it 9 months in advance!   There were 8 people on the boat, so we were loaded down.  It came back to me just how much I love being on a boat.   It is a boat geared for wake boarding so it has a big wake.  The glass is long gone but the conditions are not too bad.  They were all skiing on double skis.  I can only ski on a single.  When it came to my turn... it has been about 4 years since I have skiied... I put the cold wet vest on.  It fit kind of ok.   I put the big ski on.  It was a little sloppy on my foot but 'them's the breaks'!  I slide into the water.  Oooh, that is chilly; probably somewhere between 65 and 70 degrees.  The driver lines me up...   Will I be able to get up? Will the driver be too slow or too fast?   Do I still have it?  Yes!  Piece of cake, I am gliding, I am cutting.  There is a bit of wind chop, but no boat wakes and I am smiling from ear to ear.  I cut, I cross the big wake, I glide.  I cut again... I AM SKIING!   An hour ago, we were riding on the highway plotting our course, and who would have thought I would get to water ski!  I tried not to be a hog with the time and finally let go with only one little drop of water wetting my hair.  My glee and elation filled the boat.  I knew tonite's vodka tonic would be the best ever!  I can't believe that as I approach 60 years old that I could be this giddy about getting to ski on the spur of the moment.  I think I am worse than a 5 year old at Christmas!

I helped them load their stuff in the boat, and slipped them some money to cover my gas and bid farewell.  Our site is huge and backs up to the path to the beach.  There are several boats anchored on the beach.  This is a boater's paradise!  Easy access to your boat, great grassy sites, and lots and lots of water on which to play!  What a stroke of timing to stumble onto this spot.  But it is reserved 9 months in advance... wow.

Spouse... will you PLEASE close the cabinet door?

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