Friday, September 4, 2015

Spouse gets into rock 'n roll

September 4, 2015

This is a really cool place!  I want to romp in the grass but my human's are really limiting me!  OOOh, look at that!  Wow!  over there!  I would really love to run free...

We could not believe the night sky.  Wow...  But the morning is chilly.  After our coffee, we get the bikes out  so we can tour the Kootenai Wildlife Refuge up close.  The geese are making all sorts of noises.  We see a she-moose and her calf.  Awww... Oh how many deer.  Wait, did we lock Hannah?

Back we go.  Yep, she was locked.  Ok, let's continue on our tour... What's a little more exercise, right?  Continuing on, what are those birds?  They kind of look like blue herons, but through the bincoulars, they are different.  They have a red crest on their heads.  The ranger just happened to be there and took a look.  Those are sandbill cranes, and they aren't normally see in this area.  She was quite delighted to see them.  Good find Spouse!  That was the only car we saw on our tour. 

We got back to Hannah, and readied her for departure.  We had to prop her up to be level, so as Spouse pulls away, I pick up the blocks.  I was stacking them and putting them in the locker but Spouse kept moving.  What gives?  BAM!  WTF?

I run over to see Spouse ranting about something.  Did he hit that rock?  There doesn't seem to be any damage to the truck, so what's the problem?  Wait, that rock could not have made that noise.  Spouse gets back in the truck, but I went around the front... and there I saw it...  SPOUSE!  DON'T MOVE!!!!!

He came out... ugh... Spouse might have nicked that boulder on the side, but he ran over a boulder the size of Texas, and it was stuck under the truck!  He tried to back up... not only did the boulder come along for the ride, he actually pulled it up a little ridge which wedged it higher.  Now what do we do?

As Rudy sits in the truck licking his polydactl paws, Spouse and I start plotting.  We have to raise the truck.  We get the blocks out and back the truck up on them.  Not high enough.  Even if we jack the truck up high enough, how are we going to move the boulder?  It has to weigh hundreds of pounds.  As we contemplate, a small truck drives up.  The couple were scouting the location getting ready for the hunting season.  They asked if we needed help.  How could we be so lucky!  Spouse attached a hitch to the guy's truck and pulls out a strap to wrap around the boulder.  Our angel gives it a tug.  Now the boulder moves, but it tilts even higher.

Spouse jacks the truck up.  Angel backs, spouse repositions the strap.  And so it goes until the angel gets the boulder out from under the truck and moved to the side, out of the way!  HOORAY!  The truck has a bit of a mashed lower lip, but we are thankful Spouse had skid plates put on as there was no structural damage.  And I am soooo thankful it was him that did this, and not me!  This poor truck has had more action in 6 months than our other truck had in 4 years!  And our angel bids farewell.

Once on the road, we head south on 95 through mountains, towns, rivers and lakes.  It is a pretty drive, but we are definitely out of the wilderness.

Coeur d'Alene has a population of 44,000.  I believe it is more than that though.  There is lots of traffic.  The reservation at our RV park had been screwed up.   I checked on it about a week ago and was glad I did.  So we have one spot for tonite, then we are lakefront for the rest of the week.

We went to a driving range to work on our game... we suck!  If I get closer than 100 yards from the green, I am so screwed!

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