Thursday, September 10, 2015

Avondale takedown

September 9, 2015

My humans have the weirdest litter box.  They never bury their stuff.  Go figure!

We started the morning with a bike ride.  There are bike paths all over the place.  You can easily ride from Coeur d'Alene to Spokane.  We pass the University of Idaho and ride along the lake into town and beyond.  We weave through the neighborhoods.  Lots of craftsman style homes, very quaint.  Back through downtown.  The light standards all have huge baskets of overflowing flowers.  There are cutesy shops, cafes, and bistros.  ('Bistro' is for a more expensive 'cafe'.  Add 'fusion' and double the price!)  And it is all so clean.

We pedal back home and ready ourselves for our day at Avondale golf course.  We are concerned about finishing today since we don't start till 2:00 pm.  I guess the course was concerned too so they moved it up a half hour as people arrived.

At first glance, the course was ok, but did not look too impressive.  It then proceeded to chew me up and spit me out!  Actually, it might have helped if I had any kind of mojo going for me, but I didn't till later in the round.  I finally started making some shots but it was too little too late.  I did enjoy the deer, geese and swans.  It really was quite pretty.

We finished at about 6:45, so we still had some daylight left, but not a lot.  After the 19th hole,  we put our trust in the GPS to find a mexican restaurant for some guacamole.  It worked!  It is amazing how dumb you get when you rely on your electronics!

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