Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Logging and golf, a natural combination - who put that tree there anyway?

September 22, 1015

Blue jays, and chipmunks and squirrels, oh my!  Blue jays, and chipmunks and squirrels, oh my!  Blue jays, and chipmunks and squirrels, oh my!

Brrrr, it was cold this morning.  We saw a sign for a trail leading to a logging museum, so this morning's walk was through the woods, along the rushing Williamson River and to the museum.  Since it was early, we figured it would be closed, but it is all outside so it is available any time.  All sorts of machinery from over a hundred years ago, until modern times is on display.  There are old cabins from logging camps.  I looked inside one and saw a gazillion rodent droppings - hanta virus at its peak!  I looked and moved on while Spouse reads every sign... every sign...  I left him in loggerland while I finished my walk.

We then readied Hannah for the day.  Rudy has been going crazy with the wildlife here.  He has kitty ADD - should he focus on the blue jay?  or the squirrel?  or the chipmunk?????  Oh they come so close to him...   I think he was cranky when we put him in the truck to leave!

We headed south on hwy 97 towards Klamath Lake.  Lots of wooded hills along the way.  The lake is huge.  We pass through the town then head south on 39, which turns into 139 once we pass into California.  The hills still have fir trees, but the grass is brown.  There is some desert scrub and some marshland, and in the distance, there are piney mountains.  We take hwy 299 towards Altura, then south on hwy 395 to the town of Likely.

My friend Vicky told us about an RV park here with a golf course and where the stars are out at night.  The moon is too bright to see the milky way, but we did play golf!  We got here around 2pm, the sun was out, so why not!

It is a tough course, and long.  The greens are spongy so they can be really slow, until you finally hit the ball hard enough to get to the hole, then it will go way past the hole.  The fairways were spongy too.  We didn't get much roll at all on the ball... that is until you don't want the roll...  There were lots of hazards, especially on two of the looong par 5s, where right in the middle, you had to lay up or drink.  Here you need every bit of club in your bag to get to the green, and you have to lay up right in the middle.  We are talking 600 yards here...  Of course the deer and the snake were nice distractions!

Back to Hannah for some Rudy time and my vodka tonic.  Oh Rudy, do you have to roll in the dirt like that?

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