Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hiking and awards

September 11, 2015

Sometimes, my maternal human sleeps in the other room at night.  That means I have to be in two places to guard my humans.  But I spend most of my time on my maternal human.  There isn't much room, but I seem to find it and snuggle in.

This morning, we picked up Karl and headed to the Mineral Ridge hiking trail.  It is a 3.3 mile trail on the east side of Coeur d'Alene down and around the lake.  There is a small parking lot, we gather our packs and head up.  It is a moderate climb through the woods.   It smells so good, but all we see is trees.  We climb some more.  We check out an old tunnel that has been closed up.  As you can imagine, the name Mineral Ridge comes from the early miners in the area.  But we couldn't enter this mine.  On we climb.  There is about a 1000' climb till we get to the ridge.  There we can see the lake and the highway alongside, with the mountains in the background.  It is pretty, but it is unbelievable how the sound from the highway way down there carries all the way up here.  We talk to a few peeps from NY, two of which are staying in our RV park.  We continue on around and start down.  There was the phenomenal view of Beauty Bay.  There are homes on the shore, skiiers, skeedos and a paddleboarder.  The view goes on forever inlet after inlet, cove after cove.  There are benches every now and again to which the old boys avail themselves.  I want to stop for lunch, but the boys say let's eat at the bottom.  On we went... Wait... what is that sound?  It sound like kids... lots of kids...  When we got to the bottom, there were gazillions of kids from a school group of some sort.  Uh, forget eating here!  We could sell our parking spot, but we couldn't get away fast enough.  We ended up in a campground a wee bit away where we ate our lunch.  I am glad we started the hike when we did, otherwise it would have been a whole different experience with all those kids!

As for the awards banquet...  I actually did come in second or third on B Flight on two days.  As I suspected, even though I had a few killer holes at the resort course, I did not win a skin due to the tee debacle (Caddy-gate).  Oh well.  Spouse got a 'hang in there' gift certificate for Trader Joe's and we got wine and golf balls.  All is good!

Spouse... will you PLEASE close the cabinet door?

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