Thursday, September 17, 2015

Visiting Spouse's Peeps

September 15, 2015

My humans are allowing other humans to sit in my chair.  I will sit on them and if they pet me, they can stay.

This morning's walk was a familiar one.  Since we have stayed here before, it kind of feels like home.  I head over to the Cushman Trail, which is a hiking/biking trail.  The trail is lined with maples, some firs and lots of berry brambles.  It has nice hills and is one of my favorite walks.  The berries are pretty much all dried up.  There are a few that are not ripe yet, but I tame my inner bear and leave them be.  I pass the beautiful old cedar tree and at the top of the next rise is a panoramic view of the Puget Sound.  I notice that the trail has been extended since our last visit.  It probably goes for about 10 miles now.  I do about a 4 mile round trip.

Our friend Bill came over for a visit.  He sat in Rudy's chair.  Rudy had to lay on him for a bit.  It is always nice to catch up with old friends.  We are meeting again for dinner with his wife, and some more of Spouse's friends from work.

At dinner, Huey and Mary, then Bill and Lucy and us gabbed for a couple of hours.  We all came back to Hannah.  Lucy sat in Rudy's chair.  Rudy sat on Lucy's lap.  He is not quite as relaxed with her as he is with us, otherwise we would be hurt!  Nice visit.

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