Wednesday, August 2, 2017

August 1, 2017 The road to ARGH-ville

August 1, 2017

My humans have locked me in the big house that moves.  I betcha we are going somewhere.  I think I will use my litter box.  OH, now they put me in the little house that moves.  I WANT OUT!  I see my turf…  we are moving… I guess we are going somewhere.  I better go to sleep.

I woke up to Rudy pawing at me.  Spouse is somewhat awake so Rudy must figure I am awake too.  I am now!  It is 4:30…  I guess we can get ready and leave early.  We have a golf tournament in Rapid City, South Dakota.  We will head north on 15 till we get past St. George, then we will get off the big highway and drive on the roads less traveled. 

I want to water my orchids before I go, and take a walk.  I usually walk in Wildwood, but with it being barely light, I don’t feel comfortable going there.  Wild animals – most of them 4 legged – will eat me!  So up ‘butt burner hill’.  The sunrise is beautiful among the monsoonal clouds.  Just what I love when we are heading through Pearblossum… monsoon rains…

We ready Hannah…  What did we forget?  Oops, Spouse has to get a cord… what else?  Well, we figure we can buy whatever we forget.  Remember those words…

According to morning radio news, every freeway has an issue.  Our first backup was once we got on the 405 north towards the 14.  Apparently debris on the OTHER side of the freeway.  Argh!  ON we go… it is raining in Pasadena and points going east.  We get to the Pearblossum Highway, passing tons of signs warning of flood danger, but so far, it is dry.  A few sprinkles here and there, and on the horizon, it looks menacing, but not in the direction which we are going. 

We get to Victorville and take one look at the 15 north – it is backed up for miles.  Ugh… must be time for breakfast.  How about Richie’s Diner.  How cool is that!  Apparently, there is road construction about 3 miles up the highway.  As we walk to Richie’s…  where are my keys to Hannah?  I know I had them in my purse…  But I took them out to unlock Hannah this morning… I betcha they are resting comfortably back home…  ARGHH!  I see a locksmith in our future.
We eat, then continue on the most boring ride on the planet…  The 15, thru Las Vegas on to Mesquite.  The clouds come and go but no rain.  When we get to Mesquite, it is 113 degrees.  The good news is that it is only 109 in Hannah.  The bad news is the air conditioner keeps cutting off.  The good news is the casino is a short walk and it has food and air conditioning.  The bad news is it also has cigarette smoke.  And it knows how to take money from you…  And more bad news, my favorite sunglasses lost a screw…  Good thing I have another pair till I get them repaired.  ARGH!  And to top it off…  I have a lot of bills in my wallet that total up to about only $30.  I was sure I had more…  we will have to stop at the money store, the eyeglass repair store, and the locksmith.  And oh crap….  My phone book with little notes that are not in my iphone is at home… no store will replace that.  ARGH!!!!!

As I write this, it is down to 93 in Hannah, and the air conditioner just doesn’t want to stay on for any length of time.  This could be a long night…  I took a hot shower…  no, I didn’t use the hot water.  The cold water was hot enough!  I kept a wet paper towel to wet me down, and with the ceiling fan, I was quite comfortable.  But would I sleep? 

We could go to the hotel… but what about Rudy???  Could we leave our boy???  Even he is complaining and he likes sleeping on a warm car in a hot garage!  Finally, at about 10 pm, the air conditioner stops cutting off.  Relief is in sight! 

And all of this on day 1…

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