Monday, August 14, 2017

August 13, 2017 Po Po Agie

August 13, 2017

Every now and again, when my humans try to move me from the little house that moves to the big house that moves, I will throw a fit.  It is not that I really mind moving, but I am a feline and it is my job to be difficult on occasion.  I will scream and complain and make a scene.  I am finding my humans just ignore me. 

We readied Hannah early this morning as we decided to take our morning walk in the Sinks Canyon State Park.  It is about 9 miles from the town of Lander.  It is a picturesque canyon with tall, rocky cliffs, overlooking the Po Po Agie River.  This river sets the standard for all photography.  It is rocky with water cascading from various angles. 

The hike starts at Bruce’s Camp.  

The trail crosses the Po Po Agie on a bridge then starts the gradual, uphill climb to the water falls.  To our right is a rocky crag, covered in sagebrush.  To our left is the river lined with fir and aspen trees.  Wildflowers are still blooming this late in the year.  It is lush and beautiful.  You can see where stands of baby aspens are taking root.  Beyond the river is a pine covered mountain.  The river valley is narrow and the sound of the water crashing on the rocks follows us all the way.  Although the climb starts gradually, it gets steeper as we climb, so it is slow going.  It is almost 2 miles in to the falls.  When we get to the top, we see the waterfalls breaking into several downhill streams.  It is quite stunning.  There is a nice bench where you can sit and enjoy the scenery. I wish I had a hike like this every morning.  The distance and the degree of difficulty were perfect!

Coming back, you see things differently.   When you are looking up, it seems so much more awe inspiring.  Looking down is pretty, but not nearly as striking as the uphill view.

Back to Hannah and back on the road.  We stopped in Lander for some supplies to repair the windshield damage we got yesterday.  We then head north, through Riverton.   There are plains as far as the eye can see, with farms and lots of geographical contours to keep things interesting.

We stopped for Thai food – haven’t seen that in a while.  We also stopped for some tonic water at a liquor store.  We couldn’t figure out why a car darted in front of us towards the liquor store till we noticed the drive thru window at the liquor store.  How dumb was I to actually get out of my vehicle and WALK inside…  There was quite the line for the drive thru window…  interesting…
We continue north past the Boysen reservoir.  We were headed for Thermopolis, but saw a campground on the Wind River that called our name.  I don’t know, Thermopolis is known for its hot springs.  But when you see RV parks with names like ‘Fountain of Youth RV Park’, it just doesn’t call my name!  The Wind River campground is right below the dam, and Hannah’s back window faces the water.  It is small and cozy.

Since there are no RV hookups, it takes just a minute to set up.  Spouse starts doing the windshield repair.  Then I get my vodka tonic and plop down in my chair outside overlooking the water.  Ah, this is the life…  Get away bee, this is my drink.  Hey, get away.  You little bastard, LEAVE MY DRINK ALONE!  Shoo!  Scat!  After five minutes of fighting with the bee, I taught it a lesson…  I picked up my drink and went inside Hannah!  I closed the screen door, and swiveled my reclining chair to face the water.   Hah!  I have the same view, with no bee.  It’s just me, and Rudy… and whatever mice may be hiding in the heating vents…

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