Monday, August 7, 2017

August 4, 2017 The beauty of hwy 12

August 4, 2017

I have decided I am going to keep this batch of humans.  They take good care of me.  I have them trained pretty well too.  Yep, I will keep these humans, yes I will.

My morning walk took me out and about some back dirt roads through the pine trees.  It is cool and it smells good.  Spouse rode his bike.  When we got back, we readied Hannah for her next journey.

Leaving Bryce, we turned east on hwy. 12.  This is an incredibly scenic drive.  The red rock hoodoos guided us along, turning us over to the ocher hoodoos.  The red rock becomes a solitary striation in the formations.  We cruise through a valley with green prairie scrub and marsh reeds, through a few small towns.  The road has been newly paved, and it goes up then down then around.  It is flat, it is mountainous.  It is rocky, it is riparian.  At one point, we stopped at a scenic lookout which spanned a gazillion miles of rock formations.  The road then followed on the backbone of high ridge that was not much wider than the road itself, with drop-offs on both sides falling down thousands of feet.  Talk about being on top of the world!  We are at about 9000 feet elevation.   Breathtaking.

We winded our way to the tiny town of Boulder and decided to eat lunch.  The town had a restaurant – we had to take advantage of it.  We ran into the same couple we had seen up at the scenic overlook so we sat together.  Sara and Phil are from New Jersey and they are out here for a wedding in Santa Fe.  So, they are doing a whirlwind tour of the southwest, loving every step of their way.  They are amazed at the open space here and how you can drive for miles and actually get somewhere.  They definitely are impressed with the enormity of the west.

We parted ways and continued on the mountain drive, in the rain, until we saw a campground, Singletree.  It is not an RV park but the sites are big enough for RVs so we decided to call this home for the night.  It is in a beautiful setting with pine trees and fire pits.  It is wet outside so it is doubtful for a fire.  I also have one MAJOR complaint…  the RV next to us has been running their generator since we got here about 6 hours ago.  I am not against using a generator, HOWEVER, when you are in the serenity of a campground, it should be used minimally so as not to disturb everybody else.  I think they must be binge watching TV…  I went over and nicely asked them how much longer they would be running it, and they said just a short time.  I wanted to say ‘Hey you f’n moron… don’t you know there is generator etiquette?’  Fifteen minutes later, there was a wonderful silence…

Then Spouse and I played Rummicube.  I kicked ass…  Rudy tried to play, but we ix-nayed that!

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