Monday, August 14, 2017

August 12, 2017 On the road again

August 12, 2017

Where is my maternal human?  I guess I will snuggle with the paternal one.  Wait, what was that?  Lookie!  Another mousie has been caught in the human’s toy!    My human is sleeping.  I better bring it to him to make sure he sees it.

I slept outside last night.  I set my bed up underneath Hannah’s trailer hitch in case it rains, but I can still see the stars.  Before I drifted off, I saw two shooting stars.  It is dark, real dark, and I am totally cozy in my sleeping bag.  I sleep, I wake to look at the stars.  I sleep.  I wake to see the reflection from Hannah’s bedroom.  Why would Spouse be up with the light on?  Back to sleep.  The wind starts howling through the trees, and I am still toasty.  I can no longer see the stars, a cloud must be passing by.  I sleep…  More winds… oh oh… I am feeling raindrops.  Hannah’s overhang may protect from rain, but not when it is horizontal!  I gathered my bedding and went inside.  It was 4:30. I finished my sleep nice and dry with Rudy on my legs.

When I woke up, Spouse told me that he had caught another mouse in the trap, and that Rudy brought it into bed.  Spouse had gotten up to go to the bathroom and felt it.  He turned on the light to see the present.  Was this Rudy’s version of a ‘godfather’ moment?  I am so glad I was outside, but what about tomorrow?  Are these mice living in Hannah?  Or are we picking them up along the way?  Rudy is on patrol, as is Spouse.  But please leave them out of our bed!

Our morning walk was a bike ride.  We rode along the road up to Green Lake.  We took the nature trail then followed a dirt road to a ranch in a picturesque setting.  We cruised around another campground, then made our way back.  Time to pack it up as it is getaway day.

We had a little problem getting Hannah hooked to the truck as we blew the last fuse we had.  Spouse had to lower her manually.  Good thing we will be stopping for provisions.  We have a big long list of stuff to buy.

We headed back to rte. 191 north.  With fresh eyes, how will this road look?  I figured out why we missed the turnoff to Antelope Flat the other day.  There is NO sign going north, and the road is obscured. 

If I said bad things about this road the other day, I take it all back.  The road on the west side of the gorge may suck, but the east side rocks it!  And going north on the road is even prettier.  The road rises to the skies.  The plains rise into mountains.  There is a vast expanse of utter beauty.  Sweeping views down into the valleys contrast to the climb across the plateau.  It is prairie land, but green, with red showing through.  Contour after contour folds off to the skies.  We rise to 8000 feet before we level off and come to I80.

East we go to Rock Springs where we fine dine, and reprovision.  I know it may come as a shock to you, but it is raining somewhat…  We load Hannah with the goods, then head north on rte. 191 to the town of Farson.  It is prairie land, and it is brown, but there are lots of contours and there are mountains on the horizon.  I wouldn’t call it boring, but I was so attracted to the black skies and lightning strikes, that I missed a lot of the landscape! 

We turned on 28 and headed north.  The mountains are creeping in on us and the plains are fading in and out.  Crossing the continental divide, there are incredible valley views of red rock and wind swept canyons.   We decided to stay at the town of Lander.  We actually got an RV spot so we can make sure everything is charged up.  We hear the state park here is beautiful.  We may need to check that out tomorrow.

I have Rudy’s catnip in a box with my orchids.  He has taken to enjoying his ‘salad’ regularly.  He is such a good traveler.  He sure loves his center console in the truck.

Note to Spouse:  The next time you see a sign on the road that says ’30 mph:  avoid a broken windshield’,  BELIEVE IT!

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