Monday, August 14, 2017

August 14, 2017 A Dam nice walk

August 14, 2017

I noticed my humans are getting lax with me.  I must up the game.  Today when they moved me from the little house that moves into the big house that moves, I darted outside.  I didn’t give them a chance to rest.  They had to come after me.  I whined, but I was really happy that they got me.  I could have made a run for it, but what would happen if they didn’t come after me?  And my paternal human got another mousie in his toy.  I think that is cheating.

My morning walk took me on a little road up to the Boysen Dam and power plant.  You can see little dirt roads across the river, so this is how they make it across.  Trailers are not recommended, but I bet Hannah could have made it.  But, some other time.  Back to Hannah, with Cody, Wyoming in the GPS.

We start be going through the Wind River Canyon.  What a spectacle.  The rocky cliffs on both side form a sharp V.  The bottom of the valley is the road we are on, the Wind River, and the railroad tracks.  It looks like we are surrounded on all sides by cliffs, but we are winding our way through them.  We see a deer and a big horn sheep.  Nowhere to pull over to photograph them though.  A few miles later, we exit the canyon to plains with farms, and the town of Thermopolis. 

After a good breakfast, we headed northwest towards the town of Cody.  It is a little out of our way, but scenic, so what the heck.  There are contoured plains as far as the eye can see.  Farms add green.  Mountains form the farthest background.  Throw in a few red rocky buttes and you have a gorgeous landscape.  As we get closer, the plains start to get smaller as the mountains creep in.  It was a beautiful and easy ride.

Spouse wants to go to the Buffalo Bill Cody museum.  Since that may take a while, we decided to get an RV spot.  Didn’t see much in the way of campgrounds, and the RV parks are a bit large for our liking, but we don’t have much choice.  We got a spot at the Ponderosa RV Park, close to the center of town.  Much to my dismay, when we set Hannah up, I saw the carnage…  I keep my orchids in the bathroom when we are underway, so they won’t move around.  But a six pack of toilet paper jumped its railing and assaulted one of my orchids!  It bent the stem and knocked a few petals off the flower.  It was cruel but I will make sure to give that toilet paper the shit end of the stick…

We headed to the museum, which is actually 4 museums in one.  The gun museum…  Oh, Spouse, you are not going to read every thing about all five million guns here, are you?  There are some beautiful pieces, some dating back 500 years.  But after the first hundred, it is overload.  I will leave Spouse and head over to the Buffalo Bill side.

Buffalo Bill was a cattle guy, scout, then a showman of the biggest kind.  He put the town on the map, literally.  There were interesting displays and lots of variety.  I liked this museum.

The natural history museum and the Plains Indian museum were also interesting.  The Indian beadwork was phenomenal.  The displays were not overwhelming.  After a few hours, we checked out the town some.  We found an Elks Lodge and had a drink, then headed back to Hannah. 

Meanwhile, back at the Ponderosa…  the Sturgis High School let out… gazillions of motorcycles on their way home from Sturgis are at the RV park.  They have some great setups and are quite well behaved.  We have been seeing signs since Utah about the roads to Sturgis being all clear, but now they are coming back…  lots of them…  and we are going there…  Ships passing in the night!

I don’t know what tomorrow holds, except I do know, I am out of chocolate.  This will be rectified tomorrow…  And why can I never find my keys?  Sometimes I move them out of the way to look for them!  Sheesh…

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