Tuesday, August 8, 2017

August 7, 2017 A mousie kind of day

August 7, 2017

I see a mousie in the corner… I am sure it is a mousie.  I must keep an eye on it. 

I hate when I wake up and see Rudy staring into the corner by the chair.  That means we have an unwelcome visitor…  After coffee, we got ready for a walk.  Spouse had Rudy outside.  As I got to the door, a little mouse ran in front of me.  It was on the threshold, so I kicked it outside, and took Rudy off the leash.  I don’t think he got it, but he had fun!

We walked down to Starvation Lake.  It is a little breezy, no glass…  thankfully.  You should understand…  if I see glassy water, I want to waterski… I REALLY want to waterski… I vibrate in place, I whine, I writhe in pain…  Today, I could put on my big girl panties and behave like a normal person because the water had a bit of a chop. 

Back at Hannah, we showered, cleaned and got her ready to head to Flaming Gorge.  It is only about 100 miles along rte. 40/191.  After a bit of grocery shopping and refueling, we head east through small towns and farm country.  Roadkill included a deer, skunk, raccoon and a hawk.  At Vernal, we stay on 191 north and began the climb.  It is quite ‘butte-i-ful’.  There are signs along the road touting the richness of fossils in the area.  Sea urchins, shark teeth, all sorts of ocean creatures.  Dinosaur National Monument is just east and the area is rich in geological delights. 

We climb to 7000 feet.  The high desert now has pines.  We climb to 8000 feet, more pines and a curvy mountainous landscape takes over.  The aspens along the climb are dull in color and do not look healthy.  Probably some pest getting them.  We summit around 8500 feet across alpine meadows and stunning stands of pines and aspens.  As we approach the gorge, a huge white bridge spans the gorge.  The gorge is like a tree laden Lake Powell; very rocky with high cliffs and lots of pines.

We cross the bridge, going over the dam, and head to the town of Dutch John.  Our ideas is we would stay at an RV park with WIFI and we heard about Dutch John Resort.  We got there, and immediately left.  With all the beauty in the area, the resort is somewhat treeless and totally blah.  We turned the other way and stumbled on the Pineforest RV park.  We can only stay for two nights, but at least we can recharge. 

As we positioned Hannah, the thunder was rumbling.  It was difficult getting her in position and the office had to provide blocks for leveling (this is normal for these spots).  It was cold and starting to rain.  We got Hannah in place then decided to check a few of the campgrounds where we would be off the grid.  We know we will need more than two nights here.  It is cold and rainy, but the gorge is still magnificent.  

Later in the evening, Rudy is on my lap as I sat in the recliner and we heard a SNAP!  I looked at Spouse… he had set a mouse trap…  and poor mighty mouse is mighty no more.  Spouse dangled it in front of Rudy.  OOOOhhhh, did Rudy want it!

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