Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August 20, 2017 Let the games begin

August 20, 2017

Where are my humans?  They have been gone, like forever…  I am hungry… not really, I still have a little food in my bowl, but they are supposed to give me more!  I look outside and I don’t see them… where are my humans?  Oh!  Here they are!  Let me run to the door!  MEOWWWW!  MEOOWWWW!  My humans are here!  Feed me!

Today is an 8:30 tee time at Elkhorn Ridge.  It is about an hour from Hannah so we were on the road by 7 am to get there early enough to hit some balls.  The course is a little north of Sturgis – motorcycle haven.  It is a little breezy and too cool for being sleeveless and in shorts.  On with a long sleeved shirt AND a jacket.  At least for now.  I usually try and walk courses if they let me, but because we had a team thing going, I rode in the cart.  I actually still walk a whole lot, but when I need to, I can use the cart – Spouse is my driver.  For this course, if I had walked, I would probably still be making my way to the tenth hole…

The course is challenging.  On the first two holes, you have no idea where you are hitting, just aim for that marker up there.  Having no knowledge of the course cost everybody some strokes, as you think you are hitting in the middle of the fairway, then when you head for your ball, you see some type of hazard; a barranca, tall grass, water.  I think I lost 3 balls and found 3 balls!  I was actually hitting the ball pretty good.  On the back nine, the winds came.  WINDS!  It was even difficult putting.  All in all, the course was fun and had great views.  The food was awful, and the bar was minimal, but, oh well.

Since we were in this area, we decided to go over to Deadwood.  You know, home of Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickcock.  It was a mining town with gaming and saloons.  Don’t know about the mining, but there is still gaming and saloons.  And there are souvenir shops, and restaurants and stately hotels.  We ate, we browsed, then we thought we would cruise some of the back streets.  We like to go on off streets because you see how the locals actually live.  We rode up this tiny street, then we saw a sign pointing to Mt. Roosevelt, whatever that is.  It is a dirt road but up we went.  After about a mile and a half, we realized we don’t know how far this road goes, it is getting late and we should start heading home.  It has been a long day… and now it is about to get longer…

Loved this train set...

Why is my tire down to 39 lbs?  It should be 70.  Its 35 now, 33…  Oh oh…  At 20, we pulled over and Spouse pulled out this little pump.  Could we put in more than was coming out?  We are still a mile back on this dirt road…  We moved a little to see where the problem was.  SSSSSSS…..  When we got the tire back up to 32, we made a run for the paved road. 

At this point, it was like a Star Trek Episode.

‘Captain, we only have 32 lbs of pressure.  The ship can’t operate like that.’
‘Scotty, we are going to have to make a run to the pavement.’
‘But Captain, we can lose a tire.’
‘We will have to chance it.  We will go fast, we will take the 10 mph curves at 11mph.  We must get to pavement so the rescue ship AAA can get to us’.
‘Ok, Captain… we are 32… 30… 27…  Faster Captain… we are at 24… 22…  I see the ‘slow dogs playing’ sign.  We can’t stop for slow dogs.  Keep going!  We are down to 20!  I see pavement!  Yes!  We made it and we still have 18 lbs of pressure!  The rescue ship AAA is on the way!’.

While we were waiting for AAA, Spouse worked on getting the spare out – that was an event.  We are now both dirty and tired.  AAA finished the job.  And at 7:30 pm, we were on our way… prime deer time…

We didn’t get home till almost 8:30 and poor Rudy was crying at the door.  He was so lovey…

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