Friday, August 25, 2017

August 24, 2017 The Club (over the head) at Red Rock

August 24, 2017

My maternal human sometimes uses this big thing and runs it over the floor and it makes a big noise.  I don’t like it.  When she uses it, I run.  This time I went and jumped on my paternal human.  He will keep me safe.  I don’t wanna get eaten.

Today we played a scramble at The Club at Red Rock.  Let me say this about that… I am REALLY glad we didn’t have to play our own game!  This course is a BEAST! 

First, let me say that from the ladies’ tees, there wasn’t a shot that I couldn’t do.  They were all reasonable.  Some were intimidating as all getout, but they were doable.  Let’s not talk about when my spazzy evil twin came out…

From the men’s tees;  here are some, but not all,  of my reactions to seeing them…

You have got to be kidding.
Which way is the fairway?

There is a lot of native grass on the course.  It is about 1-2 feet tall, maybe taller in places.  The sole purpose of this grass is to eat balls, and it does a fine job of it!  The one good thing about the grass, while you might not find your ball, you will most likely find someone else’s, so there is no net loss!  Oh… watch for snakes.

While the women have to hit over the grass in places, the men have to hit over vast expanses of the grass.  If they hit the ball straight, they have to carry it at least 150 yards, probably more.  IF they are not exactly straight, kiss it goodbye.  Long hitters can do this ok.  Shorter hitters, not so.  Especially when they try to swing out of their shoes to get some distance.  What usually happens is they duff it into the grass. 

On one par 3, it was 178 yards to the pin.  Ok, the guys could hit it that far.  But where is the pin?  There is about 120 yards of the grass, and there are two huge pine trees that somewhat block the green.  You have to thread the needle between the trees on this one.  I had to walk to the ladies’ tees to get a view of where the flag was then come back to the mens.   Crouch down below the left tree and look below the branches.  Now, look one hair to the right and that is the pin.  Really?  Two of our guys made it… poor Spouse…

Oh, and let’s not forget some of the chasms they got to hit over… I mean into.   It was very uphill.  There were a few downhill shots, but it sure seemed there was far more uphill than downhill.

Ok, I think you get the idea!

This was by far, the most difficult course we played.  And to make things worse, my 7 iron was not in my bag.  I left it (my favorite club) at Hart Ranch yesterday.  ARGGGGG!   I still enjoyed the day, but I didn’t enjoy watching my Spouse suffer so.  At least he enjoyed the whitetail deer bounding around the course.

The day was long, good lunch afterwards, then home (via Hart Ranch) and a really nice shower…  yes!  My 7 iron is clean and resting comfortably after its experience…

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