Thursday, August 24, 2017

August 22, 2017 A free day

August 22, 2017

My humans have been leaving me all alone.  I don’t like that.  I haven’t seen any mousies lately.  I am all alone.  I guess I will nap.  I will listen for them though.  I am all alone.

Today is a free day for us, which is good since my poor back needs a rest.  Yesterday, it killed me to swing my driver for the last 4 holes or so, which was represented in my score.  But a day off ought to help.

The brothers Weingartner joined us for another day at Custer Park.  We drove by Mt. Rushmore again, and wouldn’t you know it, the same cars that were waiting in line the other day were still there!  On we drove, through the beautiful Needles Highway.  No mountain goats this time, go figure. 

We stopped for a hike at Cathedral Spires.  It is nearly a 3 mile roundtrip hike.  The trail is lined with wild raspberries (a few of them landed in my mouth) and ferns and other undergrowth.  It starts getting steeper and we have to climb up rocks, but it eventually levels out to meadow surrounded by cathedral like spires.  There are needle eyes, and other jagged formations.  So many of them look like penises!  At the beginning, the trail looked wet, but it was only the way the mica covered the trail.  We all had to touch it to see if it was wet.  Quite an illusion.

After the hike, we did another wildlife drive.  This time the buffalos were in different places.  We also got to see the donkeys.  They are friendly and they are mega cute!  And of course, the prairie dogs sang for us.  It is a fabulous place worth two days of visits.

Back to Hannah, the boys left and we visited with our neighbors, Doyle and Judy for some wine, then headed to old town Rapid City.   There are lots of little shops and some bars and some restaurants.  There are bronze statues of presidents on every corner.  If you know what you are doing, you can turn left at Clinton, and right at George Washington, then left at Pierce to get to wherever you are going!  Lots of charm, but limited food options for us California types.  We are definitely in a meat eating part of the country…  Plenty of alcohol tho…

Painters Alley

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