Thursday, August 17, 2017

August 16, 2017 Go east young man

August 16, 2017

Psst, Human… lift up your covers.  I am cold.  Let me snuggle right in next to you.  I know I am on your paw, but I am comfortable.  Now, don’t move…

It was cold last night, probably low forties, maybe lower.  It was hard to get moving.  Spouse invited the neighbors who were tent camping over for some warmth and coffee.  We actually ran the heater!  It is the middle of August and it is really cold.

We finally got going and did our walk.  The sun is shining, and there is not a single cloud in the sky.  It rained quite hard last night, so everything is wet, but the sun feels good even though it is cold.  We walked up the hill and over to a dirt road that cut across the mountain and down to a bridge crossing the creek.  It is being repaired with wood all over.  It leads us to a meadow where we see a deer bounding across.  We continued on till we came to a cabin, then turned around and headed back.  We found a foot path that ultimately took us back to the campground.  It wasn’t a particularly long walk, but it was beautiful nonetheless.

After a good breakfast, we sadly departed across the meadows back to the Bighorn Scenic Highway.  Stands of pines with breathtaking alpine meadows guide the way till we could see the great plains of the central U.S.  We both were totally impressed with the scenery of the Bighorn forest and rate it way up at the top on the eye candy scale.

As we descended onto the plains, the cozy little towns and farm country kept things interesting.  When we got to the town of Sheridan (where my good friend Sherrill was born), we stopped at Dairy Queen – my Spouse’s weakness. 

I can’t believe who I have become… not only did I eat some of Spouse’s ice cream, later in the day, I drank some of his soda!  I am becoming a pig!  I am falling under his influence!  Stop me now!  I am going to the dark side.  I have even eaten meat…

Leaving Sheridan, we decided to stay off of I90 as long as we could.  We took 14 to Ucross, then 16 east to Gillette.  We weaved around and over the beautiful contours of the rolling hills.  Then there were farms, then ranches and rivers and streams.  And best of all… we were the ONLY vehicle going in our direction.  We saw just a handful of cars going the other direction for 100 miles.  In the town of Gillette, we knew we had to get on I90 to get where we are going.   We decided to stop for the night at the Keyhole State Park.  It is a reservoir, with all these people doing the water sports that I love!  But we got a great site overlooking the water.  We gave Rudy some outside time, and we prepared our cots so we can sleep outside.

This is the first day since we left the heat of Mesquite when we first started, that we did not see any rain.  I actually got to put on shorts and not freeze!

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