Monday, August 7, 2017

August 3, 2017 Rudy Deja Vu

August 3, 2017

There are these little mousie creatures hanging around.  When I was on my own, I used to see them.  I admit, I had some fun with them.  These are just like those.  OOOH I want one, but my humans won’t let me run free.  Drats!

We slept in till 7 am!  I am usually ecstatic if I sleep till 6, but 7?  WOW!  (shhhh, don’t tell me that we are on mountain time now that we are in Utah and that extra hour is ‘fake news’).  We enjoyed our morning coffee in the sun with Rudy, admiring the flowers that I brought.  Rudy brought some catnip.  I brought the first orchid I ever bought.  It is a Phalaenopsis that I tortured till I learned how to care for it.  The poor thing fought to survive and rewards me every year with a pretty bloom.  The other orchid I brought is a miltonia.  I have trouble reblooming them.  Last year it bloomed while I was gone.  It was ready to bloom when we left and, although I don’t like messing with a plant until the blooms are fully opened, I figured I would take a chance.  Darn it, I want to see it bloom!  So I gave it a little sun…  we shall see…

My morning walk was a bike ride.  We headed back out of Ruby’s towards route 12, then west on 12.  There is a great bike path.  We wind our way through the plains.  Unlike the brown of Nevada, these plains are green, with wildflowers popping through.  Whites, purples, blues, pinks and various shades of yellow.  Buttes, mesas and mountains surround the plains.  It is warm with a slight breeze that is quite cool making it perfect for biking.  After a few miles, Spouse headed back and I continued passing a tourist outlet where you could feed deer.  Some pretty nice racks in the pen there.  I wish I could keep on pedaling without regard for the fact that I have to go back.  I need a chase vehicle!

When I got back, we moved from our spot into another spot.  People book these spots a year in advance so when you just pop in, you have to be ready for whatever is dished up.  Our new spot is smaller but in the woodsy area.  Rudy seems excited.  I am sure he hung out here in the old days.  He was in this area when we went back for him.  If only I could know…  Oh well.  We set up and then kicked back.

And then the rains came!  With thunder!  YAY!  Not good for a fire in the firepit, but I love the sound of rain on Hannah.  We did manage to cruise through Bryce once again.  It is a magical place.  It amazes me as we rode along the ridge how on one side of the car there is the ponderosa with pines and mountain scrub, then on the other side of the car, the startling red rock canyon with all of the hoodoos.  There is no transition, it is either ponderosa, or hoodoo canyon. 

We did stop at the visitor center for a minute.  That is all it took for us to go in, then run for our life to get out.  TOO MANY KIDS!

And tonite, I got a fine how do you do…  I use a sony camera for pictures.  Not only did Spouse not bring the charger for the camera, his new laptop does not take the chip for the camera.  What is that all about?  ARGH!!!!!  I guess I will get real familiar with my iphone.  But alas, the pictures from the bike ride will not be there…  I am sure you will contain your disappointment!  And I got keep my fingers our of the picture...

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