Sunday, August 27, 2017

August 26, 2017 On the road again

 August 26, 2017

I had to be in the little house that moves a lot today.  I can totally fit between my humans, but I like to stretch out, then play with stuff my humans have near me.  And then I fall asleep.  My humans pet me so all is good.

I did my normal walk today, then it was back to the road.  We readied Hannah, then said goodbye to Mystery Mountain Campground.  It was actually a good location for us.  It cannot handle a whole lot of large RVs, but it worked perfectly for us.  I loved the woodsy character.  Other RV parks we saw had few trees and were quite crowded. 

Our GPS (Samantha) and I have had some disagreements on things.  I have had to slap her around some, but she is good in a pinch.  But, I always have a map on my lap.  Today we are headed to Wounded Knee where we massacred a whole lot of Indians for basically no reason.  Boy, we were cruel. 

The roads switch from rolling hills and woods, to rolling plains.  We cut through some of the Badlands and its rocky formations and prairie dog towns.  Then back to beautiful rolling hills.  An occasional canyon sunflower springs on the side of the road, as does a cottonwood tree here and there.  There really isn’t much to the site but a sign that tells the story.   

Here’s where things get fuzzy…. The map says the rte is 27, but the signs on the road say something different.  Really?  We had to trust Samantha as she took us out of South Dakota and into Nebraska towards the town of Gordon.  The rolling hills are green with swaths of canyon sunflowers swirling through.  It is gorgeous. 

The town of Gordon is about to dry up and blow away.  Rows of tiny houses are in desperate need of a lawn mower and weed whacker.  There is not much in the town.  We turn west on 20 and head to Chadron.  Rolling plains and farms line the road.  Here is the heartland of our country.  These farms feed us.  These are some real heroes in our country.  Corn and beautiful rows of sunflowers with the sunny smiley faces line the road. 

Chadron is a decent size town, big enough for a Walmart.  We take 385 south through Alliance, settling in Bridgeport for the night.  We found a state recreational area… a lake, with all sorts of boats and we didn’t see one skier.  Tons of inner tubes and jet skis…  Way too many things on the water.  I guess that is a good thing so I won’t spazz out wanting to ski!

This is an interesting place.  The campsites are ill defined; you pretty much park where you like as long as there is a picnic table.  It is warm, but we found a shaded spot on the lake on a Saturday night.  Lots to watch.  Rudy liked it.  I didn’t like the flies though…  And I am not sure if the trains will be a problem…  we shall see…

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