Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August 28,2017 Bugs and Homies

August 28, 2017

MEOWT!  MEOWT!  I see another feline over there.  MRRROOOOOOWWWWW!  These humans are mine!   MRRRRROOOOOOWWWWW!  Stay away or I will claw your eyes out!

My morning walk took me on the trail behind the park.  It runs several miles in both directions.  Here, it follows a creek.  I get a few whiffs of marijuana, and pass a few homeless people.  They have thrown lots of trash into the creek.  Pity.  The trail winds into Old Colorado City which is a historic district.  No time to check it out now, but later…

Back to Hannah for a bite.  Today, we are going to the May Natural History Museum.  Spouse saw this on the TV show ‘Strange Inheritances’.  This is a bug/insect museum.  It is right outside of town below the mountains and above some lakes.  It has an RV park that is old, but quite nice.  In the museum, there are a gazillion impeccable displays of butterflies, beetles, stick insects, spiders and all stuff in between.  The earliest collection that I saw was in 1906.  This went on into the 40’s.  Each critter is identified by date and location.  Australia, Africa, South and Central America, New Guinea, and even the US and Canada made contributions.

Some of the beetles were so brightly colored, they would make beautiful pieces of jewelery.  And the variety of butterflies was incredible.  Who knew that locusts could be so pretty (as long as they aren’t crawling on you…).  Some are very rare.  It had to be challenging to capture them without breaking pieces of them off.  Many of the butterflies were displayed upside down, as the inside of their wings are what captures your attention.  It was well worth the time to visit this collection.

After a Thai lunch, we walked around Old Colorado City.  What a cute little historic district.  No chain stores here and lots of cutesy clothes and trinkets.  I watched a glass blower for a while when Spouse was getting a haircut.  Good thing I don’t smoke pot because I was in a trance as it was watching the glass blower.  Give me pot and I might be stuck to him like glue!

Dinner is to be with my work buddies Jackie Hjelm and Becky Espinoza.  Jackie is going to save us some angst by picking us up.  Hmmm… where is she.  I called, she is looking for us at the Elks Club…  Jackie, you didn’t listen to my voicemail yesterday…  Ok, she has the address… her GPS can’t find it…  where is she?  I call… Are you lost?  Let me look up a map…  Ok, here she comes!
First stop is her house.  She is way on the north side of town.  She has a beautiful home with views of Pike’s Peak off in the distance.  Her driveway is steep and she is nestled in the woods.  Her balcony opens onto a killer pathway across rocky spires.  What a playground!  She moved here last year and is loving it.

Then on to Castle Rock for dinner at Piati’s.  Jackie loves this place… but isn’t it on that corner?  No, maybe it is this corner…  GPS time… Oh wait… It is Siena’s...  Ok, we are there.  Wonderful food, terrific company.  Eventually, we had to leave, after all, Becky has to work in the morning.

Jackie got us home without incident.  We said our goodbyes.  What a great evening!

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