Saturday, August 12, 2017

August 10,2017 From the top of the rim, to the bottom of the dam

August 10, 2017

My humans let me walk outside without being tied up.  The paternal human stayed with me, but that was ok.  I got to eat grass it was so good.  Ack, ack, ack, AAACCCKKK!  That felt good.

It was cloudy and damp when we woke up.  We did take a walk along the ridge trail.  It was somewhat muddy and there was lots of horse poop.  Although there are nice vistas of the gorge, it is hazy, almost foggy, so not the best for photography.  And it is on the colder side.  Our thermometer says it is 54, but it feels much colder with the dampness.  The one thing about being off the grid:  you usually don’t know what time it is.  It’s amazing how weird that is!

We decided to do a hike on the river trail we saw yesterday.  We packed a lunch and headed out.  We stopped to talk to Spouse’s new best friends:  Kevin and Allie of Colorado, soon to be living in Maui. He used to be a fly fishing guide so there is talk about fishing tomorrow…  we shall see.

We headed down to the river trail.  It is at a launchramp where rafts put into the water.   I drove Sissy Boy down to the trailhead (there is no parking at the bottom), then I took the rocky foot path down to the launchramp. The river trail is a narrow trail, and the underbrush is overgrown.  There is the lacy shrub that has deliciously fragrant white flowers.  It smells heavenly.  The bees think so too.  The hum of the insects is overwhelming but they don’t care about us in the least.  The trail is often rocky.  At some points, the rocks are held together with chain link fencing for stability.  We wound our way about a mile or more, watching the rafts and fly fishermen float down.  The sun is now out and it is probably into the 70s.  We sat on a rock and ate our lunch listening to the silence of the river and watching the trout swim by.   It is calm, quiet and beautiful.

This is really starting to ring our chimes.  We checked around and the fishing boats all seem to be booked, but we could rent a raft and float down ourselves.  We talked to Kevin and Allie.  They are game for the float, and we can take their adorable dog with us!  YAY!  I miss having a dog, but they can be so limiting when you are in national parks.  They are going to Glacier, and want to hike but can’t because they can’t take their dog and they can’t leave him.  So for tomorrow, weather permitting, we will get a doggy fix!  And since we will need two cars – one at the entry point and one at the exit point, we definitely need other people to do this.  Spouse got a fishing license and got his fishing stuff together.  Kevin has two fly rods, and will work with spouse should he choose to fly fish.  That is a whole different ballgame.

We noticed the weekenders are starting to show up.  They have been driving by and eyeing our campground spot.  Bwwwaaaaaaa!  It is ours!

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