Monday, August 21, 2017

August 18, 2017 Dr. Pegleg to the rescue

August 18, 2017

I really want to explore some.  My human took me off my tie for a second and I made a run for it.  I stayed just out of reach.  I went under some big houses that move.  I got to sniff things.  Then when I wasn’t looking, my paternal human snatched me up.  I whined like a little baby, but he won that round.

I took a morning walk on the golf course until golfers showed up.  Then I went and walked the streets.  There is a major golf tournament here today so all sorts of things are going on.  If we didn’t need to fix Hannah, we may have played early, before the tournament.       

Mr. Pegleg Fixer showed up soon after 8 am.  By 10, Hannah was fixed and ready to go.  But before that… we went and hit a bucket of balls.  I can tell you that based on what I saw, we are not a threat to win anything this week!

It was only 9 miles to Mystery Mountain RV park.  It is woodsy, and not a lot of room for maneuvering, but we have a pull thru site which made it easy.  We kind of checked out the area some, before we settled into a night of much needed laundry and general clean up.  Sure makes for a good blog, huh?

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