Monday, August 28, 2017

August 27, 2017 On to Colorado

August 27, 2017

Sometimes, I am sleeping and my human turns me on my back and pets me.  I know I am supposed to squirm, but she pets me and it feels so good so I just stay.  But not for too long.  And I am sure my purr box gives me away.

We woke up to a lake shrouded in fog.  It was cool, and there was nobody on the water.  Wimps…  We took a walk around the lake.  Sure didn’t take long.  If I had been waterskiing, I would barely get up before we would have to turn.  But lots of people have fun tubing and such.  And there are parts of the lake that look like they are just for fishing.  It is good fun for the locals.

Back on the road, we head south through the to the town of Sidney.  I would tell you what it looked like, but we were in a fog for 30 miles.  The fog lifted as we neared Sidney.  I suspect it was farmland.  Continuing south, we head through prairie land into Colorado through the towns of Brush, Last Chance and Limon.  It starts out flat, flat, FLAT.  Then the rolling prairie land, green hills and canyon sunflowers chime in.  The signs of ‘the west’… a cowboy on his horse working cattle… a colt frolicking with its mother…  corn….  Sunflowers….  There are also historical markers along the way telling of our battles with the Indians.  We were so mean…

Then, we see them… the Rocky Mountains come into view way on the horizon as we near Colorado Springs.  I didn’t want to go through Denver, so we took the roundabout way.  Here in the springs, we have a few friends to visit.  We were going to stay at the Elks club, but it was full.  The spaces were real close together on a blacktop surface.  We know not to expect exceptional camping experiences at the elks clubs, but they often have great locations and good hookups and they are inexpensive, so it is worth a try – at least in the cities.  In this case, someone might be leaving tomorrow so we can hang around and try and see if….  Forget that!  Let’s find another, and let’s not stay at the one we stayed at last time where we were shoehorned into a spot so small we could smell our neighbors breath!

 Let’s try Fountain Creek.  Hmmmm… there is room to move Hannah around, but it there is street noise overpowering the creek that runs behind the park.  Oh well…  I guess this is what you do if you want to stay close to town here. 

Getting set up, Spouse pegged the grump-o-meter…  throw some money at him… it will make him feel better…

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