Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August 21, 2017 Our game was eclipsed

August 21, 2017

My humans walked me around and I got to sniff all sorts of things and eat grass.  I saw birdies… I wanted them.  My humans brought me back.  Darn.

Today we played golf at Arrowhead Country Club.  Of course, the wind started blowing on the first hole.  I was able to walk the course and it is in excellent condition; beautiful dark green grass like carpeting.  There are lots of hills, and lots of hidden hazards.  The greens are treacherous.  And best of all, in the middle of the day, it got kind of dark and cold…

Ok, we had about 98% of the eclipse.  I was able to use someone’s eclipse glasses to view the event about half way through.  Then we poked a hole in a scorecard and watch the shadow through the hole on the cart path.  It was very effective.  The temperature dropped at least 10 degrees, and I did not need sunglasses for about two holes.  Dogs started barking.  It was great fun…  Almost as entertaining as the golf game!  I took some pictures at the optimal time, but they didn’t really capture the event.  Oh well…

I don’t think anybody in the club played very well.  It’s not that I didn’t hit the ball well most of the time, but the wind wreaked havoc on my game.  And when I didn’t hit the ball well, I paid big time.  And not having course knowledge proved to be costly.  Who knew there was a creek on the other side of that hill?  Really?  It may have been a tough day, but I actually loved the course and would play it again if given the opportunity. 

We had a visitor on one of the greeens:

On the way back from the course, we had our tire repaired, so we are good to go now.  The tire guy said ‘you had a stone in your tire’.  Duh…  no flies on him!

A nice dinner with the brothers Weingartner topped off the day.

I am totally frustrated with Spouse’s laptop.  It deleted my original writings of the day somehow.  I hate this thing.  The cursor has a mind of its own, Word gets cranky if it cannot load to the cloud.  Internet access here is very sketchy and I DON’T want to have to rely on that to use word.  I have to fight to avoid it.  ARRRRGGGH!

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